One more good reason to be a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society — The American Genealogist (TAG) is going online thanks to a new collaboration in which NEHGS will digitize back issues of the journal and make them available at the Society website,
Founded in 1922 by Donald Lines Jacobus, TAG is edited by a trio of NEHGS members: Dr. David L. Greene, FASG, past recipient of the Society’s Coddington Award of Merit; Robert Charles Anderson, FASG, director of the NEHGS Great Migration Study Project; and Joseph C. Anderson II, FASG, who is also editor of The Maine Genealogist. These distinguished genealogists, along with dozens of highly-regarded contributors, uphold and advance the standards for genealogical scholarship so carefully articulated by Jacobus and the Jacobus “School.”
Volumes 1-8 of TAG covering 1923-1832 are already available online at the NEHGS website under the title “Families of Ancient New Haven.” The new searchable database adds Volumes 9–13, published between 1933 and 1937. Additional volumes are slated to be published through Volume 82, at which time new volumes will be added to keep the database current. The most recent five years will not be available online.
This is great news for genealogists worldwide who can now access the wealth of information in TAG through the internet. Randy Seaver included the full press release at Genea-Musings today; I second his enthusiasm about this new collaboration, and hope that we see even more journals “go digital” in the future.
This is wicked awesome news! I love NEHGS as it is. They just keep getting better!