Answer: A genealogy conference AND a week-long genealogy institute AND research at the Family History Library!
I love this banner outside the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The snow was falling Wednesday morning when I arrived in Salt Lake City, which means only one thing to a genealogist — it’s a great day for The Library! And I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Colleagues from all corners of the country were busily working at the research tables and film readers.It always takes me a good half-day to get re-acquainted with where I am and what I need to do, but every visit to the FHL makes my orientation easier. I had a list of films and filming “projects” ready to go and was able to make good progress.
Unfortunately, fellow Californian Sheri Fenley was stuck in fog and fuel-delays and missed most of the research day, but she was around for a great meal at The Red Iguana with SLIG Coordinator Christy Fillerup and friends.
Meeting new and old friends for dinner. (Photo thanks to Adele Marcum)
Arrived at last, The Educated Genealogist Sheri Fenley.
Friday and Saturday, January 10 and 11, the Association of Professional Genealogists’ Professional Management Conference offered two days of networking, workshops, and presentations for the 280 attending APG members. Keynote sessions by D. Joshua Taylor and Judy G. Russell kicked-off each day and a lively dessert reception offered time for networking with colleagues.
Michelle Goodrum, Elissa Scalise Powell, and Shelley Bishop
at the APT-PMC Dessert Reception, with Barry Kline in the background!
Kimberly T. Powell, of Oakdale, Pennsylvania, was introduced as the incoming APG President, succeeding Kenyatta Barry of Santa Monica, California. Cathy Desmarais, CG, of Vermont will serve as APG vice president; Janice Prater of Denver, Colorado will serve as secretary; Joan Peake of West Virgina will serve as treasurer. The full APG Board is named here.
Genealogists fortunate enough to make travel connections despite weather-related delays took advantage of research hours at the Family History Library. I spent an entire day happily examining microfilm and testing various methods of digitizing films at the film viewer stations. (Results forthcoming!)
View of Temple Square from the Famiy History Library.
Sunday in Salt Lake City was a break between events before the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) gets underway with evening registration and classes on Monday morning. It will be another busy week of genealogy, snow or no-snow!
Sounds like a good time. I visited the library once & would love to return. I found lots of information, all in one place!