As we bid adieu to 2010, it seems fitting to look back and count the many blessings we received both personally and genealogically amidst the sadness and challenges that life brings.
In January,
- Mom was in California for Another Party! to celebrate her 77th birthday
- I was rained out of attending the Family History Expo in Mesa.
In February
- My sister and I visited Mom in Arizona and Penny Dreadful had a little adventure.
- The Family Curator was named to the Family Tree 40 Best Genealogy Blogs of 2010.
- I attended the St. George Family History Expo and met up with lots of researchers and bloggers.
- I found lots of new information Reading Between the Lines in the Marriage Records of Arline Paulen and Albert F. Edwards
In March
- The Blogger’s Almanac returned.
- I completed some major Genealogy Spring Cleaning and worked on my Fearless Female Short List.
In April
- In April, on Tax Day to be more precise, Mr. Curator’s truck was hit while he was stopped at a red light. The truck was a total loss, but no one was seriously injured.
- Sadly, Mr. Curator’s uncle Herman Krantz, submarine veteran and ballroom dancer, passed away at the age of 93.
- Also in April, Mr. Curator slipped on the job and fractured his ankle. The orthopedic surgeon said it was a “lucky break” and would heal with six weeks of rest. This gave Mr. Curator time to digitize our box of Super 8 home movies. :>)
- We packed Mr. Curator’s crutches and traveled to New Hampshire for a family baptism, which coincided with a joint meeting of the Genealogical Society of Vermont and the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists.
- I attended NGS in Salt Lake City and soaked up genea-wisdom during and after the sessions with great GeneaBlogger pals.
In May
- I found the clues that led to the minister who married my great-grandparents in Kansas City, Missouri.
- Mr. Curator and I returned to Dutchess County, New York where we researched homes and Historic Hamlets of Stanford.
In June
- Mom arrived for the SCGS Jamboree and we enjoyed two weeks together, plus the three-day Jamboree. The Family Curator posted Jamboree reports from both Mother and Daughter.
- Mom and her sister, along with my sister and I, went on a Historic Home Tour of places they lived in their growing-up years.
- Mom and I started researching the elusive Schiffbauer boys.
In July
- Mom was hospitalized and had surgery for pulmonary problems. Her prognosis was excellent and we hoped for a speedy recovery.
- Meanwhile, Mom shared her stories of Princes Usha at the Brown Girls’ Party with her India-born nurse. This was a challenge with the ventilator, and then tracheostomy, in place, but Mom persisted with mouthing words and writing.
In August
- Mom achieved a long-time goal of submitting her DNA for testing. She loved finding new relatives and had been anxious to try Family Tree’s new Family Finder program.
- Mom’s spirits were good, but she continued to grow weaker, passing away Friday, August 28, 2010.
- Mr. Curator’s beautiful and graceful aunt, Dottie Krantz, passed away, only a few months after her beloved Herman.
In September
- Mom was remembered by family and friends at a warm memorial service in Green Valley, Arizona.
- I reconnected with cousins who lived nearby and we shared family photos and stories.
In October
- Another trip East to visit family and friends and slip in a little research at The National Archives.
- I attended the Family History Expo in Pleasanton, California, and enjoyed meeting up with many blogger friends.
In November
- “You’ve got cousins!” Mom’s DNA test is yielding results.
- We made yet another trip East for family fun and holiday celebrations.
In December
- Family Tree Magazine nominated the Family Curator to its list of the 40 Best Genealogy Blogs of 2011. Whoopee!
- I had a chance to meet-up with Amy Coffin of WeTree for a little holiday cheer and New Year’s challenge making. What a nice way to celebrate the season.
This certainly was a year of ups and downs, wonderful highlights and deep sorrow, for so many genealogy bloggers. As we mourn our losses and shoulder through the challenges that befall, I have to think that this yearning to know where we come from, and who we are, helps us to make sense of it all. I am grateful for the many hours Mom and I spent sharing tales, posing what-ifs, and most of all, just connecting and knowing we were connected.
The genealogists that we met along the way inspired our own adventure and gave us good memories to share. Thank you GeneaBloggers, for being a highlight this past year. Your good wishes and kind words have made all the difference.
Here’s to 2011 and the Adventures that Await. Let’s raise a glass to Happy Memories and counting more blessings in the year to come.
I'm so glad I was able to meet your Mom at Jamboree. What a wonderful lady. All the best for a good 2011. We'll have to compare DNA notes.
I hadn't realized that you lost your mom this year. I'm so sorry for her passing – and yet, it's so wonderful that she was involved with you in your genealogy pursuits and worked with you in your efforts. Happy New Year! Beautiful photo above.
I hope 2011 is a wonderful year for you without any sadness.
Thanks, Katie and Mavis. Yes, many memories of the best kind. And that's what it's all about. See you in 2011.
Sorry for your losses through the year but sounds like you have wonderful memories to carry you forward.
Cheers to another year of adventures!