One morning during a routine phone conversation about the weather, the kids, and the state of life in general, my mom casually mentioned that I might find some interesting information “in those old papers you have from Mama [my Grandmother Arline].”
“You’ll probably find my name change.”
“Your WHAT?”
“The papers to change my name.”
Period. As if it was something I already knew. Doesn’t everyone change their name?
“Your name change? What was your name? Isn’t your name Suzanne?”
“That’s what Mom called me. But my real name was ‘Mercy.’ Mercy Winsor Brown.”

By the time I learned that the woman I had known as ‘Suzanne’ had been born, baptised, and lived for over TWO decades under another name, I already knew that Mercy was a very old family name passed down through at least four generations. And, I had been wondering where and how that name had fallen off the family tree. Now, it seemed that it never did, fall off. It was there all the time.
The story of Mom’s moniker is one of my favorite blog posts, written as a birthday surprise only months before she unexpectedly passed away — Another Party! It’s Mom’s 77th Birthday Today. But, how her name came to be Suzanne, Rebecca Sue, and eventually Susie is only one of the surprises I’ve discovered as I learn more about her life.
Today, on her birthday, I do miss picking up the phone to ask Mom question about someone mentioned in one of Grandma’s letters, or sending her an mystery photo by email for a quick identity check. And I miss the funny stories that seemed to come back to her at the oddest moments.

Happy Birthday Princess Usha from your friend Susie Brown
Princess Diaries: Looking for Answers in the 1940 US Census
Wordless Wednesday: Dating a Photo of Princess Usha at the Brown Girls’ Party
Mom loved birthdays. Any birthday for any one. She was the original Party Maven when it came to throwing wonderful birthday parties for her two daughters, and my sister and I always knew that August was Birthday Month. I especially remember a surprise Sweet Sixteen party with a formal dinner served to a gaggle of giggling teenage girls.
Mom clearly loved plotting and scheming, so I should have been prepared for The Big One she pulled with footnoteMaven at Shades of the Departed for Twice Told Tuesday: A Birthday Story. But, truly, do you expect your mother to conspire with your genealogy friends?
I would love to wish you, Mom, a Happy Birthday, in person once again. And, oh how I’d love to ask you to clear up a few more family history mysteries, or take us on a tour of your twenty four (or was it twenty three) childhood homes?
Happy Birthday, Mercy Winsor Suzanne
Note: Updated and refreshed, this encore post is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it, too.

You have your mother’s smile Denise 🙂 What a beautiful post…enjoyed it very much! I miss my mom too…she was only 66 when she passed and I wasn’t into family history much at that time, unfortunately. Wish I could pull her back 🙂
Looks like your mother and I have the same birthday. I’m honored to share her day!
and Happy Birthday to you too Cyndy! Mom would have enjoyed knowing you.
I was 27 and commented to my grandmother that neither her church nor the state of New Jersey had a marriage record for her and my grandfather, George Sabo, on the date she said they got married. Her quick reply, “That’s because the family name was Kucharik.” That’s the day I learned my last name wasn’t my last name at all! No legal change – the family just started using Sabo socially until they left Kucharik behind.You never know what you’ll find out when you start down the genealogy path, but I love “Mercy,” as it is such a historical name.
I want to let you know that your wonderful blog post is listed in today’s Fab Finds post at
Have a great weekend!
Happy birthday to your mom, Denise! I related to this post in two ways: I lost my mother in 2015 and I’m always coming up with questions for her as I do my genealogy research. I miss her. Also, her mother’s name was Susie Brown! That’s her married name, but it makes me feel a kinship to your Susie. Hugs.
Thanks for your kind words, Janine. What a coincidence that the mother’s of two “family curators” share the same name! I guess that does make us “cousins”!
I think Mercy was a fabulous name! She was a beautiful woman. I see such a resemblance between the two of you.
I love the name too, Becky. Mom was considering returning to her birth name, but it would have been a HUGE change after a lifetime as Sue. Thanks for the kind words.