Graças a Msteri and footnoteMaven for nominating The Family Curator for The Proximadade Award.
Proximidade (from the Portuguese)
proximity, nearness, imminence, neighborhood, vicinity
This honor seems to be quite international, having been bestowed throughout blogdom on scrapbookers, blogging moms, and other creative types. Now it is making the rounds of genea-bloggers, and in my turn, I hereby nominate the following:
Jeanne Kramer-Smyth, Spellbound Blog, writing about archiving, digitizing, information, and a host of topics that are always timely and interesting.
Thomas MacEntee, Destination Austin Family, the go-to-guy for recipes, tech questions, crafts, and a good tale. Definitely, a Destination Blog.
Linda Stienstra, From Axer to Ziegler, a past Californian with non-stop adventures wherever she roams.
Lori Thornton, Smoky Mountain Family Historian, gathering local and family history for her thoughtful articles; and she’s been at it since 2004!
Dawn Thurston, Memoir Mentor, inspiring and encouraging family history writers, and providing an outlet for their writing.
Becky Wiseman, Kinexxions, blogger extraordinaire sharing stories and photos that make me smile, laugh, and cry. Her goal-setting is nothing short of inspirational.
Back-at-You Msteri, Heritage Happens, because yes, “heritage happens” in the little everyday things of life, and I love the way you let your readers glimpse a Real Person behind the blogger.
And footnoteMaven, one of the original hostess-with-the-mostest of the blog-neighborhood coffee klatch.