I have a hard time getting a post from inspiration to publication. Sometimes, the words come easily. More often, I start to write, stutter, delete, start over, stammer, until I either push through to the final thoughts or hit the big red Delete button. Sometimes, a crisis intervenes mid-sentence and by the time I return to the post I’ve lost whatever thread I was chasing. Sigh. Such is the life of a blogger.
5 Posts That Might Yet Be
Who knows? One day, the Post Status on these Drafts may even change to Published:
3 Things — This brief post on my Three Favorite Tech Gadgets appears finished except for one thing: a good title. Alas, doomed to Draft Status all for the want of a title. Any ideas?
Unexpected Family History Discoveries at the Allen County Public Library — Now why is this a Draft? It’s a long article completed after FGS 2013 at Fort Wayne. Maybe the cat jumped on my keyboard and hit the Draft button. Another article to “review” and post.
Murder and Mayhem: How Dreadfully Delicious — Reading between the lines of this post title and skimming the few completed paragraphs, I can only guess where this article was going. . . Maybe a visit to Shades of the Departed and footnoteMaven?
More About Metadata — Maybe this was a “need to write” title. I need a little “more” to go on here.
Looking for a Texas Connection with T.W. and Maude (Chamblin) Saunders — No article, just a title. I know what happened here, though. I read another blogger’s account of connecting with cousins because of a blog post and decided to throw out the bait. Unfortunately, I must have gotten lost on my way to the worm box.
5 Top Posts of 2014
Photo Tutorial: How to Relax and Rehumidify Old Rolled Photographs and Documents — This post is The Family Curator’s most popular, and most controversial, post of all time. Is it safe? Is it a good idea? Will it work? All I can say, is “It worked for me!”
Four Tried and True Systems for Organizing Genealogy Research — A short round-up of genealogy organizing systems.
Tech Tuesday: Streamlined Scanning with a Genealogy Photo Workflow — A peek at my scanning setup and workflow solution.
Is It Worth the Trouble to Clean Dirty Old Negatives — I tried two different methods; check out the results.
Microfilm to Megapixel: Use a Digital Camera as a Film Scanner — Discussion and review of my experiment in digital film photography at the Family History Center.
Thank you for joining me at The Family Curator. Let me know what you enjoy reading, and what you’d like to know more about; your comments are the best part of this adventure. See you in 2015!
Hiya, Sally J. and thanks for your vote! I'll have to get busy on that one!
I'm super delighted about the popularity of the DIY Humidification Chamber! I would not have suggested it if it wasn't safe, and ya'll can trust me because I am a professional archivist. As for the gadgets title, put a number in it and people will read it…so My Top 3 Gadget Recommendations for Family Historians /or/ My Top 3 Gadgets of 2014 /etc/ would be a great title! Every family historian needs to learn more about metadata, imho, so you've got a good start on that one. Now I'm off to see what's lurking in my own Drafts section of m' blog. 🙂
Glad I'm not the only one with a stockpile of drafts! 😉
How about "My Three Favorite Tech Gadget" for a title? It already sounds interesting to me!