We are home from the three-day Jamboree extravaganza… exhausted but energized. For the second year, my mom came from Arizona to join me for the conference and we had a great time. The So Cal Genealogical Society put on a great conference, and the blogger contingent was enthusiastically represented. The room was never quiet when two or more bloggers were together, and at last-night’s blogger dinner, the table covers were soon covered by pedigree charts.
It was especially fun to meet bloggers from so many different venues — volunteer, professional, commercial, and personal. Everyone found a common ground in genealogy and family history, and the conversation easily turned to sharing tips and stories.
In fact, it was so much fun to chat with fellow bloggers, that I had trouble tearing myself away to attend the Jamboree sessions. I am glad I managed to attend several; the presentations and topics were outstanding, including:
- Writing Your Research Plan, Betty Malesky
- Writing Your Family History, Lisa Alzo
- Blogger Summit 2
- Tracing Ancestors Who Lived in Cities, Arlene Earkle
- Roots Magic4, Bruce Buzbee
- Understanding the Probate Process, Jana Broglin
Randy Seaver at GeneaMusings did a top-notch job as play-by-play broadcaster via Twitter for the Blogger Summit. I think Randy has an unrealized dream to call play-by-play games for the Padres!
Thomas MacEntee organized a fantastic blogger banquet and was the perfect blogger-host. I had a great evening with table-mates footnoteMaven and Kathryn Doyle, and enjoyed chatting around the room to match faces to names and blogs.
Throughout the weekend, bloggers Kathryn Doyle, Amy Coffin, and footnoteMaven filled in the details at Facebook and Twitter as well. In fact, I was there when Penny Dreadful and footnoteMaven met face to face for the very first time, and a more touching moment has never been witnessed.
Of course, a highlight of any conference is the exhibit hall and vendors. I was able to meet Lisa Louise Cooke, host of Genealogy Gems Podcast, who interviewed me for a forthcoming program; the Genealogy Guys, George Morgan and Drew Smith; as well as share a toast to genealogical success with my friends from NEHGS.
(Almost) too much fun for only three days.
Amy — So fun to meet you and get to know the wit behind the waffle. I am already looking forward to the next blogger-meet-up
It was great to meet you, too (and your mom)!
Yes, Maven and PennyD. A match made in GeneaBlogger heaven and a meeting to behold.
Wish we could have added Rebecca. Get better!
We missed you! Those archives are a dangerous place.
I wish I had been there, but alas, I was sick as a dog this weekend. 🙁