Learn about DNA, family archiving, technology, oral history, and genealogy research in three full days of online classes at the upcoming Virtual Genealogical Association 2019 Conference November 1-3.
The online VGA hosts monthly webinars, an annual virtual conference, networking through active Facebook groups and Special Interest Groups. Membership is an affordable $20 USD per year and includes access to monthly recorded webinars and discount registration to the annual Virtual Conference, as well as other member benefits.
The 2019 conference will include twenty sessions presented over three full days, November 1 through November 3, 8:45 am EST to 6 pm EST each day. Attendees receive access to conference sessions and downloadable handouts for six months.
I will be presenting “Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes” on Friday, November 1 at 12 Noon EST. Join me to learn more about preservation and digitizing techniques for family historians.
Registration closes October 18, 2019. $59 for VGA members; $79 for non-VGA members;
Membership in the Virtual Genealogical Association is one of the best genealogy education bargains today, and a no-stress way to expand your skills and learning. No travel, no hotels, no extra expenses.
Join me the first weekend of November for the Virtual Genealogical Association 2019 Conference. Learn more HERE.
Ari Wilkins on oral history.
So much of interest but I am very interested in “Preserving the Past: Archiving & Digitizing your family Keepsakes.
So important to get it right.
So many, including yours! The other two that most pique my interest are The Myths of German Research and Finding Images to Tell the Story of Your Ancestors. Thanks for promoting and sharing this link!
Since I think that we should not only be family historian of the past, but also archivists of the present so our descendants have our own keepsakes, I am really interested by Preserving the Past: Archiving & Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes.
Thanks for this opportunity. I am interested in the “Preserving the Past: Archiving & Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes” session. THANKS!
Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes. Also very interested in the researching German ancestors, as most of mine were German.
So many I interesting topics! I am interested in Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family’s Keepsakes, the DNA ones and the Eastern European session. Thank you for the chance to win!
There are so many to choose, but I have to say “Hidden Gems in the FamilySearch Wiki” is always an eye-opener of hidden gems. Last week I attended the TXSGS Family History Conference – 3 days of great presentations by wonderful experts on their topics. I am still going through notes to make sure I captured as much as possible. The VGA Conference will be similarly jam-packed, but having access to the webinars for six months (from the comfort of my home) will be beneficial in reinforcing the education shared by the presenters.
I’d love to attend Blaine Bettinger’s Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity. I have been trying to learn as much as I can about using DNA in my genealogy research and always learn something when I hear Blaine speak about DNA. So many of my matches don’t have trees or have usernames that makes it hard to identify them.
I see a bunch of interesting ones. Yours on Preserving the Past: Archiving & Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes – have the book, which I really need to get out and read
but I really hope this one would help me – Ursula C. Krause: On This Day Appeared Before the Registrar: German Civil Records
This conference has many wonderful speakers & I am particularly interested in Blaine’s “Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity”. Of course, all of the German topics would be helpful as I am very involved in a German Interest Group of my local genealogical society.
Thank you for offering a chance to win a free registration.
Great agenda! Besides your talk, I’m interested in Blaine’s “Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity”.
Thank you for reminding us of the Virtual Genealogy Conf! “Preserving the Past…” got me to click and look, but it was “Researching Hispanic Genealogy” that got me to register!
I am fortunate enough to be considered the “family genealogist” which is very scary to me as I have only begun this journey about 3 years ago and am overwhelmed. In the last 2 years, I have been “blessed” with boxes of photos, letters, etc. from family members whose parents have died and they don’t know what to do with all the family history. So, your conference would be VERY helpful as I try to honor their wishes and preserve and share memories. Thank you very much for help in this area especially.
I’m interested in archiving and digitizing. Thank you
As usual many of the sessions are of interest. For this one Blaine Bettinger’s Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity is the one which would help me most at this stage of my genealogy.
Besides your presentation, I’m interested in “Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity” due to recent DNA discoveries in my family and my husband’s.
There are several sessions I would love to attend, including yours, but the ones I really need are the German sessions. My maternal grandfather was a first generation American, with both of his parents coming in the 1880s-1890s. My paternal grandfather,is also 100% German, with his ancestors coming in the early to mid-1800s. Because my family has such deep German roots, in addition to my normal K-6 education, my parents thought it was important to my German heritage, to be enrolled in Kinderschule when I was 6. I attended Kinderschule until I was 12, and moved to Kansas. As there was nobody there to speak German with, and the only language taught in the schools as a foreign language was Spanish, I lost most of my German. Thankfully, as I’ve been able to regain some of my German through reading some of the German records.
So many to choose from, but I think Bernice Bennett: Writing and Telling Your Story would be most beneficial to me. As a fellow APPO member, I do workshops with my local genealogy group and I think storytelling is where I might like to advance towards with my workshop series.
Thank you for the kind offer, Denise! I am always inspired by your topics and Blaine’s two DNA topics and the Eastern European Ancestry session also really catch my eye. Virtual awesome! 😀
I have your books and am very interested in your presentation: “Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes.”
Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes”
They all look wonderful but the “Myths of German Research” piques my interest.
Thank you for offering one free pass to VGA! All classes look valuable for increasing my genealogy research abilities. DNA is a new area of research I’m striving to understand and I’m most looking forward to the class by Blaine Bettinger.
I’m most interested in your session. I’ve read your book on family archiving, but I’d love to hear your latest suggestions
The Conference line-up looks fabulous! I would love to attend the ‘Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes’. I’ve read your book Denise and it would be so great to hear you present. I am the person in my family that has the most interest in presevering our family history – I have boxes of photos and am having trouble getting started on archiving. I feel this conference would give me the jump start I need to get things moving. Time is of the essence, as my only Aunt on my father’s side is ill, much of the family history resides in her memory – so the time is now while she is still able to share her stories with me. Fingers crossed that I win the free registration!
Thanks for sharing information about this organization and the virtual conference. In entering the giveaway contest, I would choose “Finding Images to Tell the Story of Your Ancestors” as the session I would most be interested in attending — although so many of them sound interesting. Thank you.
This perks my interest so much. My great-uncle is researching now on his side and yet has made it to our side (it’s a little harder being from Ukraine).
The pre-recorded of How European Surnames Can Help in Genealogical Research interests me but Identifying Your DNA Matches’ Secret Identity also sounds of interest.
I have only begun my journey.
Looking forward to the VGA Virtual Conf sessions on DNA…
Hope this is the correct place to comment.
I am most interested in Preserving the Past: Archiving and Digitizing Your Family Keepsakes
Most interested in “Blaine T. Bettinger: Using DNA Shared Matching for Success
Although your session is my biggest need and definitely what I will watch, the next one I need will be:
Jen Baldwin: Findmypast: Your Source for British and Irish Records
What a great lineup of topics! In addition to your presentation, I’m interested in Ursula C. Krause’s On This Day Appeared Before the Registrar: German Civil Records. Thank you for the chance to win!