Welcome to the redesigned, mobile-responsive home of The Family Curator blog and website. After nearly nine years and hundreds of articles, the archive is now reorganized to make it easier to find what you need, whether it’s Organizing Old Family Photos or How to Host a Turkey Shoot (Camera Required).
Click on the Caring for Keepsakes link in the top menu bar and choose from Organize, Preserve, Digitize or Share for helpful news and articles. Or use the sidebar Search option or Popular Categories to browse and read past posts.
For specific archival assistance with your family treasures click on Ask the Curator and check out the Frequently Asked Questions. If you don’t see what you need, use the short form to send me your question directly. And find links to my favorite preservation websites on the Resources page.
The blog also holds past reviews of genealogy books, digitizing devices and accessories, and other tools. I’ve included many of my toolbox favorites in the Curator’s Shop section where it’s easy to find what you need and help support the site by using affiliate links.
Check out the full-color photos of 25 Keepsake Projects from my new book How to Archive Family Photos, and read more details about How to Archive Family Keepsakes at My Books.
Looking for a speaker for your genealogy conference or event? Check the Speaking page for my schedule and topics, bio, and press notes.
I hope you’ll visit often, and join the conversation about organizing, preserving, and caring for family collections of every size. Welcome to my archive!
Drooling . . . It’s gorgeous! I’m looking at it on my ipad and it is beautifully laid out. Love the colors, the fonts, everything. Great job!
You’ve been my tech-inspiration for a long time, Denise. I’m only sorry it’s taken me so long to make the move. Thank you for your kind words.